Bruce Pavitt Capsule

Bruce Pavitt “Kurt Cobain, Piper Club, Rome

Nov 27th 1989”

“In 1988 when my partner Jon Poneman and I officially started Sub Pop Records, we had no idea it would be still be running 30 years later- nor the vast influence it would have on the music scene. There were rumblings at the time of a new music style bubbling up in the Northwest that would be dubbed “grunge”. Due to being in the right time and place, Sub Pop was able to not only appreciate and support these bands but offer effective promotional strategies to elevate the new genre. One of those was to launch “Lamefest UK” in London showcasing now seminal bands like Nirvana, Mudhoney, and Tad. Rising artist Kurt Cobain was suffering the effects of a grueling schedule and almost bowed out due to a semi breakdown in the midst of the tour but thanks to a quickly inserted relaxation day, rallied and quickly was embraced by the UK music scene as an undeniable international star. The rest as they say, is history.

This pivotal week in musical history that I was able to bear witness to is documented in photos taken by me in my book Experiencing Nirvana. The NFTs offered in this capsule collection are from that incredible time, including an image of Kurt Cobain that all proceeds from will go to support Seattle’s “Rainy City Rock Camp For Girls”. ~ Bruce Pavitt

Phosphene curates NFT artwork from mid-career and Impact oriented artists and musicians.


Our curation

While we value art in its myriad of forms and expressions- we curate Phosphene with an eye to both technical and visionary excellence. The artists we choose to work with have spent countless hours honing their technical skills and expanding and deepening their narrative repertoire to create work that is not only a visual delight but also timeless and meaningful. We seek to provide a space for NFT work that transmits the same gravitas as physical artworks, transmitting real insights into humanity’s condition and our place in the world vs just a visual punch or trendy meme. Our goal is to provide a welcoming, elevating platform for artists as well as a trusted and inspiring portal for passionate collectors who seek to expand and evolve the scope of their collections.

Learn more about Phosphene


Who we are

Phosphene is a team of individuals devoted to the idea that the current NFT market can be better than what it currently is, by solving problems related not only to artist and collector engagement, but the effects technology has on our environment. Members all hail from a lineage of conservation and impact- and seek to continue that in Phosphene. Phosphene’s mission is to not just be carbon-neutral but regenerative - meaning we “put back more than we take”. We have the plan and the experts on our side to turn this vision into reality. And hey- you can actually see who we are by clicking below!

Learn more about who we are


New to the world of NFTs?

We are here to help! We are here to not only help co-create with, elevate, and guide the artists we work with within our portal but also offer white glove assistance to collectors who are interested in collecting quality NFT work but are unsure where to start. We will walk you through the process from start to finish or any of the parts you just need help with! We can help with everything from crypto wallet set up to helping you acquire the coolest tech to display your NFT collection. You can start by checking out our FAQs and then drop us a line requesting assistance, we look forward to hearing from you!

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Regenerative NFTs? Impact art?

The tech used to create NFTs require a huge amount of energy which often results in huge amounts of carbon emissions into our atmosphere. While NFTs are not really the cause of this- they do "ride on the same train" so to speak as everything else that uses blockchain mining. We believe any business in the 21st century needs to do its part to help try to keep our planet as clean and healthy as possible. We do this by calculating the amount of carbon the minting of our NFTs generate and buy that amount of validated, quality carbon offset credits (not all are created equal!). This means we become “carbon neutral”. But as Phosphene, we don’t think that’s enough! In addition, Phosphene uses a portion of its own profits to invest in “carbon capture” technologies. These are technologies that currently actively remove existing carbon in our atmosphere. By doing this our NFTs become “regenerative” in that we do more good by utilizing this practice than if we did nothing at all. Which is pretty cool, and we can all sleep at night.

Learn more by visiting our FAQs